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How Chiropractic Can Help You Beat the Holiday Blues

Written By Tracy & Keim Chiropractic LLC on December 9, 2022

While it’s touted as the most wonderful time of the year, December doesn’t always feel that way. Though our celebrations may vary, most of us face additional stress at this time of year, whether we’re traveling, hosting a houseful of relatives, or spending the season alone. Additionally, difficult circumstances like illness, loss, or loneliness can feel even harder to cope with when everyone around us seems to be focused on good cheer.

If you’re anticipating a blue Christmas, one of the best gifts you can give yourself is chiropractic care. Being proactive about your own well-being can reduce your stress levels and strengthen your ability to navigate the pressures of the holiday season.

What Triggers the Holiday Blues?

In order to understand how chiropractic can help you beat the holiday blues, it’s important to know how holiday stress or anxiety is triggered in the first place. Some of these triggers include:

Stress – There’s a lot to do during the holidays, and sometimes making the season magical for your loved ones can feel overwhelming. Fighting crowds, overspending, and making decisions can all lead to feelings of stress—and stress-inducing situations like these are all too common in December.

Disruption to routine – Late nights and parties may feel fun at the time, but their frequency over the holidays can completely disrupt your usual schedule. Even fun events can lead to fatigue and cause you to feel less in control.

Poor health habits – It’s hard to keep up with your healthy habits in the whirlwind of celebrations. Even if you avoid all the goodies at the dessert table, you may be too tired after running errands to prepare a healthy meal when you get home. Exercise also tends to fall by the wayside, whether it’s too cold to get out for your run or you just have too many other things on your to-do list.

Inclement weather – Short days and cold weather may have a negative effect on your mood. It’s also harder to get out when it’s wet or snowy, and icy conditions can lead to falls and injuries.

How Chiropractic Can Help You Beat the Holiday Blues

While it may not be possible to remove all sources of stress during the holidays, you can set yourself up for success in dealing with those stressors so you can keep the blues at bay. There are many ways chiropractic can help you beat the holiday blues, including:

Reduce stress chemicals – Chiropractic has been shown to reduce levels of cortisol (a.k.a. the stress chemical) in the body. When cortisol levels are too high, it can negatively impact your ability to fight disease, maintain a healthy weight, and manage pain. By reducing your cortisol levels, chiropractic treatment can minimize the negative impacts of stress on your body, making you better able to cope with short-term stressors like that holiday dinner with your in-laws.

Promote relaxation – Many patients report feeling more relaxed after an adjustment. This is in large part due to that reduction in cortisol we just talked about. And being able to relax is an important element of enjoying your holidays. By promoting relaxation, chiropractic can make it easier for you to get a good night’s sleep, feel more energized, and enjoy the festivities.

Strengthen your nervous system – Your nervous system controls every aspect of your health. Pain, digestive problems, sleep trouble, weak immunity, and more can often be traced back to misalignment in the spine, which houses part of your nervous system. A chiropractic adjustment can improve your nervous system’s ability to function properly, improving many aspects of your physical and emotional health at the same time.

Start Your Holidays Off Right with a Chiropractic Adjustment at Tracy and Keim

Investing in your own wellness is one of the best and most lasting gifts you can give to yourself. Whether you revel in the holiday season or can’t wait for it to be over, you’ll enjoy it more if you’re feeling your best. Make your health a priority this Christmas and contact us to book an appointment. We’d love to help you start the holidays off right with some well-deserved self-care. Wishing you health and happiness this holiday season and always!



Posted In: Chiropractic Stress Relief