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Signs You Should See a Chiropractor

Written By Tracy & Keim Chiropractic LLC on April 13, 2023

Chiropractic is a holistic treatment model that deals with so much more than just back pain. Instead, it’s about the entire well-being of a person, and about treating underlying causes as well as symptoms. If you are experiencing any sort of discomfort that diminishes your quality of life, it’s important to find out if chiropractic care could help. Here are just a few of the most common signs that you should see a chiropractor. Do any of these sound like you?

Frequent Headaches

It’s not unusual to experience an occasional headache when you’re dehydrated, haven’t slept well, or are hungry. But if you experience frequent headaches, they may be caused or exacerbated by a misalignment in the neck or spine. These misalignments can reduce the flow of blood (and therefore oxygen) to the brain. Your chiropractor can correct this and improve blood flow so that headaches become less frequent and intense.

Joint or Muscle Pain

Joint and muscle pain are frequently caused by misalignment of the spine—and the pain often doesn’t stop there. Untreated, this can lead to other problems, since the spine is part of your central nervous system and must be properly aligned in order to keep your entire body functioning as it should. An adjustment can decrease pain and promote optimal functioning in all parts of your body.

Chronic Back Pain and Other Health Conditions

Back pain is one of the most obvious signs that you should make an appointment with your chiropractor. Yet chronic pain is often ignored if you’ve become used to it or can cope using pain medication. But you don’t need to stay in pain! A chiropractor can address the underlying issues so that you can live your healthiest life even with a chronic health condition.

Desk Job

If you spend most of your day sitting, it’s a good idea to set up regular visits with your chiropractor to avoid problems down the road. Your body is designed to move, and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to spinal misalignment and loss of core strength—both of which have implications for your overall health. You may not be able to control the requirements of your job, but you can take steps to prioritize your health with regular chiropractic care.

Active Lifestyle

What about athletes and those who live an active lifestyle? Is it important for them to see a chiropractor? Yes! While staying active is a key to good health, it can also lead to stress and injury. Regular visits to a chiropractor can help keep you in peak condition and promote faster healing if strain or injury does occur.

Poor Posture

If you think posture is just a matter of appearance, think again! Poor posture often stems from weakness of the muscles in your core—and when one part of the body isn’t working well, other parts of the body have to pick up the slack. Poor posture can put unnecessary strain on your shoulders, neck, and back, and lead to significant problems later on if left untreated. A chiropractor can help you attain and maintain good posture for better physical and mental health.

Uneven Wear on the Soles of Your Shoes

When the soles of your shoes begin to wear out differently, it’s a good sign that you have a subluxation of the spine, and your body needs an adjustment. By the time you notice that your shoes have uneven wear, the problem has already been going on for a while, so it’s important to address it quickly before it causes other problems.

Accidents and Injuries

If you’ve recently been involved in an auto accident or sports injury, make an appointment to see your chiropractor. Collisions and other types of accident and injury can cause persistent discomfort that a chiropractor can help relieve.

Limited Flexibility or Range of Motion

Sometimes you can identify reduced flexibility and range of motion as attributable to an injury. Other times, you may not know what’s causing your inability to move as easily as you used to. If you have trouble moving normally, it’s often due to a misalignment in your spine, and is something your chiropractor can easily adjust to help your body move more comfortably and function properly.


You may not recognize stress as a sign that you need to see a chiropractor, but stress is a problem that isn’t limited to your mindset. It releases hormones like cortisol that can be harmful to your body when levels become too high. Chiropractic care can bring cortisol levels back to a healthy level and help you feel less tense—both physically and emotionally.


Another not-so-obvious reason to pay a visit to your chiropractor is if you’re having trouble sleeping. Sleep problems can stem from stress, spinal misalignment, or restricted blood flow—all of which are issues your chiropractor can help with.

See a Chiropractor to Start Living Your Healthiest Lifestyle

Seeing a chiropractor is also a great way to start if you simply want to live a healthier lifestyle. At Tracy and Keim Chiropractic, we take a holistic approach to well-being by considering all aspects of your health and treating the whole person, rather than just focusing on symptoms. If you recognize yourself in this list of signs that you should see a chiropractor, we hope you’ll get in touch and allow us to support you with our model of superior patient treatment, education, and satisfaction.



Posted In: Chiropractic Pain Management Posture Headache