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Summer Sandals and Your Spine

Written By Tracy & Keim Chiropractic LLC on June 7, 2022

people jumping into ocean

There are many things that can cause back problems, but sometimes, getting to the bottom of your back pain requires going all the way down…to your feet. Sandals may seem like the obvious choice for a walk on the beach, but footwear that doesn’t offer much support can spell trouble for your spine. And, since dealing with back pain isn’t the way anyone wants to spend their summer, we’re here for you with some suggestions for keeping both your feet and your back happy during the warm months.

How Do Sandals and Flip Flops Cause Back Pain?

Because most of us have some slight abnormality in our feet, it’s important to choose shoes that offer support. Without that support, greater pressure is put on either the inside or outside of the legs as they try to compensate for things like flat feet or high arches—and that increased pressure can cause muscle imbalances that go all the way up into the hips and lower back. Shoes like flip flops, many summer sandals, and shoes with heels, are unstable and can cause or worsen back pain.

Taking Care of Your Spine in the Summer

The Right Summer Footwear

You don’t have to give up your flip flops entirely! Wearing sandals occasionally and for short periods of time is generally safe for people without chronic back problems. But for the majority of the time, choose shoes that will support your feet, such as athletic shoes or even a customized pair of summer shoes made just for you.

If you do wear flip flops or sandals occasionally, shop smart! Look for a sturdy pair that doesn’t bend in the middle for better support. (It’s okay if it bends further up, at the level of your toes.) For sandals, choose a style with ankle straps that will provide greater stability and prevent your feet from slipping. And avoid anything with a heel. That lift in the heel forces you to shift your center of gravity, which often means arching the spine—and that’s bad news for your back.

Stay Hydrated

Of course, there’s more to preventing back pain than just wearing the right shoes. As the weather gets warmer, it’s important to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water as well. In addition to being good for you overall, water can protect your spine and joints by flushing out toxins, providing lubrication, and reducing inflammation.

Try Swimming

Another great way to take care of your back over the summer is by staying active. If you have back or joint pain, try low-impact activities so you can get all the benefits of exercise without hurting yourself. Swimming may be the ultimate form of low-impact exercise. Plus, it’s perfect for those summer temperatures! If you don’t have access to a pool, there are plenty of other forms of exercise (such as walking, biking, yoga, or tai chi) that you can take up over the summer. (Remember, no long walks in flip-flops!) Be sure to ask your chiropractor what forms of exercise they would recommend for your specific condition.

Be Proactive with Chiropractic Care

Left untreated, the muscle imbalances caused by many summer shoes can do serious damage to your spine. If you’re experiencing any sort of back pain, you should see your chiropractor immediately so they can get you back in alignment and help prevent more damage. And if you’ve had back issues in the past, don’t wait until you’re in pain! Prevention is the best medicine, so set up a regular time to visit your chiropractor for preventative care and maintenance over the summer. Even if you’ve never had back pain before, summer activities like hiking, camping, and road trips make it a good idea to give your spine a little extra TLC.

At Tracy and Keim, our friendly staff and experienced team of chiropractors and therapists will be happy to give you (and your spine) the support you need. Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you optimize your health for a safe and relaxing summer.



Posted In: Chiropractic Exercise Back Pain Spinal Health